When a new kitchen is designed to replace a twenty odd year old one, there are inevitably decisions on resiting ovens and appliances to take into consideration. I was amazed how easily the professional electrician made the electrical work appear when he came to prepare the cabling to connect up the ovens and fridge which would be in new positions a couple of metres round from the old. He just looked at where the fuse control box was placed in the garage – very conveniently near the connecting wall to the kitchen as it happens. He left a safely capped coil of cable ready for when he was scheduled to come back the following week to connect up the newly installed appliances. A beautifully neat job – one tiny hole from garage through to utility room, under the cabinet kickboard and through the wall into the back of the lower cabinet under the oven. He’d put the switched sockets in there out of sight. That’s what you get when professionals carry out any general home improvements that involve electrical or plumbing work.
Neatest Possible Recabling For New Appliances