You need a good team of experts if you’re going to build up a koshe property business. When a small contractor starts out, he has just himself and a work mate. Between them they are usually good at doing brickwork, pointng work, recementing, plastering, maybe brave enough to know how to carry out reroofing and if there are more folk, between them they can often offer gutter work. There are so many facets of housekeeping on a massive scale. You can’t just rely on the bloke with the van who mows the lawns twice a week or can come and hose through a blocked pipe occasionally. The top job needed to be done in the winter is replacing roof tiles and guttering. These need a high degree of workmanshp and always, absolutely always, they need to hire scaffolding if more than a single little job is called for. Say a tile has slipped and that’s the only one, then they can usually get by with resting a latter away from the wall and reaching out from the tread. Not recommended but so much quicker.

Sometimes That Broken Roof Tile Needs That Instant Fix