Where I live we have underground utility supply pipes and cables. This should in effect mean that we have no cuts to our supply. So it was absolutely amazing to find that at 3am one morning the other week – over a Bank Holiday we had a major power outage. The first we knew was when the electronic smoke alarms starting peeping every minute and then several local house alarms started blaring out. After twenty minutes, the power flickered on momentarily – it has been my practice always to witch on a bedside lamp if power is interrupted, so that I know when power has been restored. However, the restoration was only a minute or two. This was unfortunate as the short burst caused my outside security light to surge and it went batty the minute our power was back properly. I could see it flashing from a few rooms away. This means I need a new security light with a better power sourc, so my friendly electrician has promised to return shortly to replace the lamp and anything else that may have surged on the fitting.

From Power Cut To Surge In Security Power Lighting