We all love those property programmes that show us the before and after of an auction buy and the follow up renovation. Some of the results are of course absolutely incredible – but it must be said that the general home owner or buyer is never going to be able to replicate the magazine quality state of the art kitchen or bathroom. Plumbing for these magnificent rooms require top professionals – it needs expertise in how to work the pip runs, how to ensure each electrical or plumbed in item gets the right pipework in and out. So any home general home decorating fans completely overlook the need for careful planning of pipework so it is not affected by other utility services and will work first time every time. You cannot try out the pipwork until all the fridges, washers etc. are istalled and available to connect up. They can’t be installed until the cabinets are in place, by which time the pipwork is well covered. So it must be planned correctly up front.
Pipe Runs Wrongly Installed Kills That Kitchen Dream