We are jolly lucky in this country to have exceptionally safe methods of working in most areas of industry. there are pockets of the country where the idea of complying with safety regulations seems absolutely against the communitiy way of thinking, but on the whole we are ultra protected. We have government run departments just to ensure wokplace safety; the health and safety industry is one of the largest in the land, but it needs to be. We do tend to complain about the ‘nanny’ state we live in, particularly if we feel we’re being held back or H&S regulations impinge on our fun and games at an event. But it must be acknowledged that we can rely on attending a public event and know that we are far more likely to get home in one piece that many many other countries around the globe. Our electrical safety supplies and rules governing it are second to none. The installers and contractors have to be qualified and certified.

Safety First With Electricity At Home & Work